Friday, October 01, 2010

2010 September 30 - Boston MA - live download!

If you weren't at the show, or if you want to re-live it, our good friend Alan Wong has generously shared the following with us:

Live in Boston - 2010 September 30 - Boston, MA - Landsdowne Pub - WFNX Disorientation

From this page, you can download the show as 192 kbps MP3s or lossless FLAC files.

If you're at work and don't want to download files, you can stream it as well!

You can also find a link to the show at the bottom of the menu to your left (if you're reading from the Archive and not from the blog site).

As always, if you find any problems with the files, let me know and I'll try to fix them ASAP.  If you have photos or videos from the show that you'd like to share, please send them along!

Enjoy the show (again), and have a great weekend everyone!

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