Thursday, September 30, 2010

Alan Wong Rules The World!

Ladies and gentlemen, the next time you see Alan at a show, you owe him a drink.

Audio of the show is on the way, and before the weekend is up it should be available for your listening pleasure on the Archive.  Please be patient - it likely won't be ready on Friday, but perhaps Saturday, and Sunday at the latest barring unforeseen circumstances.


01 - Ostrich
02 - Like a Criminal
03 - Modern Log
04 - Walking Dead
05 - Opportune Moment
06 - Space Milk
07 - Every Year
08 - Horses
09 - Countrymen
10 - I'm a Believer
11 - Spirits
12 - Hum
13 - Automatic Buffalo


14 - Awful Age
15 - Monarchs

1 comment:

Scott Luckmsn said...

Alan it was a pleasure seeing you at the show taping... I will be eternaly grateful to get this.

This is Scott "Frosty" Luckman with the tan w/ blue letters shirt that came up to you after the show

Thanks and if I see you at the December show drinks are on me!